Bowman Travel Grants

Scholarship Description

The Bowman Travel Grants provide assistance to students participating in educational programs in non-traditional destinations. Applicants must be undergraduate students participating in a study, work, or volunteer program in a designated country (a complete list is available at the foundation website), preferably where the student significantly interacts with the host population. Applicants should also demonstrate how the activity is related to their future academic and/or career interests. Applicants must be participating in a travel program sponsored by the grant foundation or a similar program at a member institution (UC Berkeley is a member.) Type: Undergraduate Study International Study Eligibility Requirements: Class standing: Freshman - Sophomore - Junior - Senior - Discipline/Area of Study Arts/Humanities Natural Sciences Social/Behavioral Sciences Business Engineering Citizenship: U.S. Citizen Permanent Resident Financial need is strongly considered. Submission Requirements: Application Form Transcripts All colleges attended Letters of Recommendation 2 Personal Essay 500 words in length Project proposal 100-150 words FinAid Eligibility Written financial aid statement and official statement from the school. Itemized budget

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,


Num Awards: Multiple

Min Award: Varies

Max Award: Varies

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization Council-International Study Programs
633 Third Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10017

Contact Person:

Phone: (800) 40-STUDY



