Airman Education and Commissioning Program

Scholarship Description

To allow selected enlisted Air Force personnel to earn a bachelor’s degree in approved majors by providing financial assistance for full-time college study. Amount Awarded: $15000 Number Awarded: 35 each year. Duration: Until completion of a bachelor’s degree, or up to 3 years (whichever is sooner). Deadline: Applications must be submitted to the base education service officer, who must forward them by the middle of January of each year. Eligibility: Eligible to participate in this program are enlisted members of the Air Force who have been accepted at a university or college (or approved cross-town institution) that is associated with AFROTC and that offers an approved major. The majors currently supported are computer engineering, electrical engineering, meteorology, nursing, foreign languages, and foreign area studies. Applicants must have completed 1 year of college study with a GPA of at least 3.0 and must be medically qualified. They must be younger than 30 years of age or otherwise able to be commissioned before they become 35 years of age. Additional Information: Upon completing their degree, selectees attend officer training school and are then commissioned to serve in the Air Force in their area of specialization. Further information is available from base education service officers or an Air Force ROTC unit.

Year of Need: College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,


Num Awards: 35

Min Award: 15000

Max Award: 15000

Deadline: 2025-12-31


Sponsoring Organization Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps (AFROTC)
Headquarters/RROO 551 East Maxwell Boulevard
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6106

Contact Person:

Phone: 334-953-2091

Fax: 334/953-5271


