The Mary (Leedy) Hand Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Scholarship Description

Qualifications:  Must be an American citizen and a resident of Kosciusko County, Indiana.  Must show financial need.  Must qualify for admittance to a school of higher learning and attend a college, university or trade school in Indiana.1st Preference Applicants over 25 years of age who are seeking advanced education for the first time or to continue after one or more year interruption.  Members of Winona Lake Free Methodist Church.2nd Preference Applicants pursuing advanced education directly after high school.  Members of a Kosciusko County Church other than the Winona Lake Free Methodist Church.3rd Preference Any Kosciusko County resident.  This scholarship award will not exceed $1000 per student in any one year.Eligibility:  College students over the age of 25 are given first preference Past Recipients - provided student maintains a C+ average and is pursing their education in a timely manner

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,

Type: Needs Based

Num Awards: 1

Min Award:

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-07-15


Sponsoring Organization Kosciusko County Community Foundation
102 East Market Street
Warsaw, IN 46580

Contact Person:

Phone: 574-267-1901



