Freda & Sam Yacker Israel Experience Award

Scholarship Description

Essay Competition
For post High School Israel study programs at a university, yeshiva, or recognized program.
In a 500-word essay, reflect on the way your Jewish community has contributed to your life so far. Describe
what you feel your role will be as an adult in contributing to the vibrancy of your Jewish community into the
future, and how will your upcoming Israel experience help you to grow into the role you foresee for yourself.
1. The Freda and Sam Yacker contest is open to Jewish students 18-25 years of age who live in Camden,
Gloucester, or Burlington Counties.
1. Essays should be two to five pages, one sided, double spaced in 12-point font with 1 inch margins.
2. Content, style, and attention to spelling and grammar are all important elements.
3. Do not include identifying details about your synagogue, school, rabbi, name or family members in
the body of your essay.
4. Any outside sources quoted should be properly cited.
5. All essays should be accompanied with a Scholarship Application Cover Sheet and Special Scholarship
Application Form.
6. Essays will be judged by a panel of experts from the local Jewish community.
Send all essays and application materials to:
[email protected]

Year of Need: College Freshman, College Sophomore, College Junior, College Senior,


Num Awards: 1

Min Award:

Max Award:

Deadline: 2025-03-15


Sponsoring Organization Jewish Community Foundation Inc.
1301 Springdale Road, Suite 200
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003

Contact Person: Jeff Klein, Executive Director

Phone: 856-673-2582

Fax: 866-322-7181


