Scholarship Description
Available to college-level juniors and seniors currently completing undergraduate degrees at Michigan-based colleges and universities. Applicants must be pursuing a profession dedicated to working with persons with disabilities and maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA. Possible fields may include allied health, nursing, medicine, occupational therapy and physical therapy or students in social work and special education. Previous applicants are eligible to apply.
Year of Need: College Junior, College Senior,
Num Awards: Multiple
Min Award:
Max Award:
Deadline: 2025-12-31
Sponsoring Organization
Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation
250 E. Front Street • Suite 310
Traverse City, MI 49684
Contact Person: Gina Limbocker, Grantmaking and Program Officer
Phone: 231-935-4066
Fax: 231-941-0021
Email: /