
Teaching Scholarships

Here are some of the Teaching scholarships on our site for which you may qualify.

Delta Kappa-Gamma Alpha Epsilon Scholarship

Eligibility: • Must be admitted to the Teacher Credential Program• Financial need required GPA: 3.00

Dorothy Jones Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility: • Must be a student teacher working in Stanislaus Union School District• Letter of recommendation from CSU Stanislaus professor addressing student’s teaching potential GPA: 3.00

Larry Lauber Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility: Education Major • Must be in Teacher Credential or Master’s Program• Financial need required GPA: 3.00

California Retired Teachers Assn. (Laura E. Settle Scholarship)

Eligibility: • Senior or graduate standing in Teacher Education• Financial need required • Must be U.S. Citizen and legal resident of California GPA: 3.00

Mary Stuart Rogers Scholarship (for Teacher Credential Program students)

Eligibility: Education Major • For students accepted into the Teachers Credential Program (one year award)• Financial need required • Statement of Objectives should convey a demonstrated commitment to personal growth, and the desire to serve others.• Two letters of recommendations from CSU Stanislaus faculty members• 300 word essay describing “Why I want to be a Rogers’ Scholar” (separate from Educational and Career Goals Statement)• Liberal Studies Students may apply for third year award in Teacher Credential Program GPA: 3.50

Stanislaus Retired Teachers Foundation Scholarship

Eligibility: Education Major • Accepted into the Teacher Credential Program• U.S. citizen and legal resident of California GPA: 3.00

California Teachers Association Scholarship for Members

Criteria: *Applicants must be current active CTA members (including members working on an emergency credential) *Must be accepted into or enrolled in a credential, degree or graduate program Special Notes: You may obtain applications for this scholarship via the web-site listed.

Tony Marley Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria * Application Deadline: see website * 2.5 GPA required * Major in Teacher Education * Attending Ashland University * Extracurricular activities * Work experience * Community service * Financial need * Teacher recommendation required.

Association of American Educators Foundation Scholarships

In an effort to encourage professionalism in our public education system, the Foundation provides scholarships and grants to worthy teachers. These grants are provided primarily to student teachers, to mentors of student teachers, and to educators who demonstrate unique expertise in advancing professionalism in their classrooms. In addition, the Foundation makes grants to other charitable and educational organizations that have similar purposes, goals and activities of the Association of American Educators.

Edith Schwab Memorial Scholarship

The Edith Schwab Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Edith Schwab, Deputy Director of the Legislative Research Commission. This scholarship provides a non-renewable award of at least $1,000 to a graduate student pursuing a degree and career in government service (i.e. public service). This includes, but is not limited to fields of study such as public administration, teaching, public health, or social work.

T. Wistar Brown Teachers Fund

The Fund supports with financial grants those members of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting who are over the age of 21 and who need assistance to prepare themselves to teach at the primary or secondary school level. Grants are also made to those Friends who are already teaching, but who seek to improve their skills with a graduate degree. When making awards, preference is given to teachers from small Friends schools. The smaller schools are often unable to assist teachers engaged in graduate studies. But all teachers who are members of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting are eligible for help. While it may sound contradictory, the Fund is favorably disposed to those candidates who look to make a personal contribution to their own advancement and to those who have low to moderate incomes.

The Salvatori Fellowship

The ISI Salvatori Fellowship Program seeks to further an understanding and appreciation of the principles held by the American Founding Fathers and the culture that formed their values and views. Each Salvatori Fellowship recipient receives a $10,000 grant. Eligibility The Salvatori Fellowship is granted to current graduate students in a field related to the American Founding. Applicants must be members of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. Graduate Fellowship applicants must engage in graduate studies for the purpose of teaching at the college level. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, who will be enrolled in a full-time graduate program. Those attending pre-professional (medical, law, divinity, business, etc.) schools are ineligible. Applicants may apply for more than one fellowship in any given academic cycle. For each fellowship sought, applicants must submit separate copies of all components of the application. Required Application Materials An original, five- to ten-page essay responding to the following question: What is the importance of the American Founding to a free society? Headshot One-page outline of prior education, awards, fellowships, and internships Three- to five-page personal, philosophical, and professional autobiography Five- to ten-page academic writing sample Three academic letters of recommendation (Must be sent by the recommender and include the Graduate Fellowships Program Letter of Recommendation Form) Official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate work (May be mailed by the issuing institution or the applicant) Brief responses to the following four questions: Why the applicant has chosen teaching as a profession Why the applicant desires a fellowship How the applicant heard about the ISI Fellowship Program Signed declaration of intent to teach Personal philosophical statement and academic writing samples must be 12 point standard font and double spaced.

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