Research Scholarships
Here are some of the Research scholarships on our site for which you may qualify.
Sigma XI Grants-in-Aid of Research Program
The Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research program has provided undergraduate and graduate students with valuable educational experiences since 1922. By encouraging close working relationships between students and mentors, the program promotes scientific excellence and achievement through hands-on learning.
The program awards grants of up to $1,000 to students from all areas of the sciences and engineering. Designated funds from the National Academy of Sciences allow for grants of up to $5,000 for astronomy research and $2,500 for vision related research. Students use the funding to pay for travel expenses to and from a research site, or for purchase of non-standard laboratory equipment necessary to complete a specific research project.
While membership in Sigma Xi is not a requirement for applying for funding from the Grants-in-Aid of Research program, approximately 75% of funds are restricted for use by dues paying student members of Sigma Xi or students whose project advisor is a dues paying member of Sigma Xi. Students from any country are eligible to receive funding.
Application Deadlines: March 15 and October 15 annually.
East-West Center Affiliate Scholar Program
An opportunity for graduate students from universities and institutions from all countries to have a short-term affiliation with the EWC while working on research for a thesis or dissertation related to the Asia Pacific region. Type of study: Intensive research for one semester to one year; participation in EWC programs focused on creating an Asia Pacific community through research, dialogue, educational and cultural activities. Eligibility: Graduate students from universities world-wide, to work on research for a thesis or dissertation. Priority given to graduate students with research interests in the Asia Pacific region. Provisions: Research library access, and discounted housing rate in EWC graduate residence halls. Application deadline: Applications are received year-round and arranged individually. thesis or dissertation.
AcademyHealth Senior Scholars Program
The AcademyHealth Senior Scholars Program includes long- and short-term opportunities for senior leaders in the field of health services research to work ‘in residence’ at AcademyHealth’s, Washington, D.C. offices. Scholars experience first-hand on the role that health services research can play in informing national policy issues and gain access to policymakers, thought-leaders and AcademyHealth staff. The program has three goals:
To provide an opportunity for the Senior Scholars to deepen their understanding of how health services research informs national policy;
To bring new and innovative thinking and research to national policy discussions; and
To increase interactions between AcademyHealth members and AcademyHealth staff in order to deepen their mutual understanding of key health issues and to help them better serve the field.
ADHF/AGA Student Research Fellowship Awards
Candidates may be high school, undergraduate, medical or graduate students (not yet engaged in thesis research) at accredited North American (U.S., Canada or Mexico) institutions. Candidates holding advanced degrees must be enrolled as undergraduate, medical or graduate students, and they many not hold similar salary support awards from other agencies (e.g., American Liver Foundation, Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America). Women and minority students are strongly encouraged to apply. This program offers financial support for students to spend time performing research in the areas of digestive diseases or nutrition for a minimum of 10 weeks. The research may take place at any time during the year. The objective is to stimulate interest in research careers in digestive diseases by providing salary support for research projects. This awards is not intended to provide salary for lab technicians.
UNCF/Merck Graduate Science Research Dissertation Fellowships
Awards up to $52,000. At least 12 dissertation fellowships will be awarded. Each fellowship provides up to a maximum of $52,000, which includes a stipend of up to $42,000 for the Fellow and a Research Grant of up to $10,000 to support the research needs of the Fellow. The fellowship stipend is intended to cover from 12-24 months of fellowship tenure. A maximum of $30,000 in stipend may be received in any 12 month period. The Fellow must be engaged in and within 1-3 years of completing the dissertation research having successfully completed all qualifying exams. Each UNCF/Merck graduate Fellow will be mentored by a Merck scientist and will be expected to maintain regular contact with his/her mentor. Each Fellow will present a progress report of research work during the last half of the fellowship tenure. Each Fellow must also submit a two-page summary of their fellowship research to UNCF at the end of their fellowship tenure. UNCF must be notified upon receipt of the degree.
UNCF/ Merck Postdoctoral Science Research Fellowships
Awards up to $85,000. At least 10 postdoctoral fellowships will be awarded. Each fellowship provides a maximum of $85,000, which includes a stipend of up to $70,000 and a Research Grant of up to $15,000 to the hosting department. The stipend is intended to provide 12-24 months of fellowship tenure. A maximum of $50,000 of stipend may be received in any 12 month period. The Research Grant is intended to support the research needs of the Fellow. Each UNCF/Merck Postdoctoral Fellow will be mentored by a Merck scientist. Fellows are expected to maintain frequent contact with their Merck mentor. Each Fellow is also required to visit the Merck Research Laboratories to present a progress report to the Merck research staff during the last half of the fellowship tenure. Each Fellow must also submit a two-page summary of their fellowship research to UNCF at the end of their fellowship tenure.
The Frances P. Bolton Fellowship
The Frances P. Bolton Fellowship provides post-doctoral support for individuals whose thesis or dissertation either focused on or included parapsychological research.
The Eileen J. Garrett Library Visting Scholar Program
The Eileen J. Garrett Library Visiting Scholar Program was inaugurated to accommodate individuals who obtain their own grant support for an extended visit to Greenport. Depending on the length of stay and the time of year, in some cases the Foundation can extend the hospitality of its corporate apartment to the Visiting Scholar if it is available. Otherwise the Foundation does not provide travel assistance, expense reimbursement or other financial support to the successful applicant.If any scholars, researchers, artists, writers or post-graduate students are interested in the possibility of being considered for a one-month or shorter stay at the Library in future years, please write directly to the Foundation’s Executive Director, Lisette Coly, or email her at [email protected].
The Charles T. Tart and Judith A. Tart Student Scholarly Incentive Award
This is available for undergraduate and graduate students conducting research.
BAE Systems Award
Purpose * The purpose of the award is to reward top quality research and publication by young students (under age 35 as of the application deadline) at master’s or doctoral level and to encourage researchers to use the ASPRS annual conference as a vehicle to publish and present their findings.Eligibility * Eligibility for this award is limited to papers describing civil (non-military) applications of photogrammetry or remote sensing. * The applicant must be a student enrolled in a masters or doctoral program at a recognized institution of higher education chartered to award higher degrees. * The applicant must be the principal author of a paper accepted for publication in the proceedings of the ASPRS annual conference. Such papers may have multiple authors, but only the principal author may apply. * The applicant must be a current student member of ASPRS.Award * The award consists of a certificate and a grant of $2,000, equally divided among the recipients if more than one is selected. This amount can be varied at the request of BAE Systems. * Selected paper(s) will be published in Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (PE&RS), the official journal of ASPRS. * The award is presented by the ASPRS Foundation with funding provided by BAE Systems.Application * The applicant must submit an abstract for consideration for presentation at the ASPRS annual conference on or before the published deadline of the Call for Papers. * Once the abstract is accepted for presentation, the applicant must submit the full paper for publication in the ASPRS conference proceedings, together with the Application Form for the BAE Systems Award. Both the paper and the application must be submitted on or before the required deadline for receipt of the paper for the conference proceedings, as published in the Instructions to Authors. This is the only award with an alternate deadline for application submittal. * Application consists of the standard Application Form and a signed statement from the applicant’s faculty advisor that the applicant is a student working on the stated degree and that the published paper is primarily the work of the student. Applicants who have made only minor contributions to the work, for example, when it is primarily the work of their professor or research supervisor, are not eligible for the award.References and transcripts are not required.Award Selection * The selection committee will review applications for eligibility and will judge the submitted papers of eligible applicants, taking into account the significance of the research or innovation, the quality of scientific writing and other criteria that the panel may see fit to include. * The selected applicant must agree to personally present the paper at the Annual Conference.
Robert N. Colwell Memorial Fellowship
Purpose * The purpose of the Award is to encourage and commend college/university graduate students or post-doctoral researchers who display exceptional interest, desire, ability, and aptitude in the field of remote sensing or other related geospatial information technologies, and who have a special interest in developing practical uses of these technologies.Eligibility * The Award is made to a graduate student (Masters or Ph.D. level) currently enrolled or intending to enroll in a college or university in the United States or Canada, or a recently graduated (within three years of graduation) post-doctoral researcher, who is pursuing a program of study aimed at starting a professional career where expertise is required in remote sensing or other related geospatial information technologies.Award * The award consists of a certificate and a check in the amount of $5,000 and a one-year student or associate membership (new or renewal) in ASPRS. * The award is presented by the ASPRS Foundation from funds donated by students, associates, colleagues, and friends of Robert Colwell, one of the world's most respected leaders in remote sensing, a field that he stewarded from the interpretation of World War II aerial photographs to the advanced acquisition and analysis of many types of geospatial data from military and civilian satellite programs.ApplicationA current or beginning graduate student or post-doctoral researcher who wishes to be considered for the award must submit an application that includes the following items: * A listing of courses taken, and/or those to be taken, in remote sensing or other related geospatial information technologies, recognizing that instruction in remote sensing is often embedded in courses taught in many different disciplines. * An official transcript of all college/university level courses completed and grades received to demonstrate scholastic ability. * A listing of internships, special projects or work experience; technical papers, research reports or other documents; courses taught as a lecturer or teaching assistant; and presentations made that may support the applicant’s capabilities in this field. * Three letters of recommendation from faculty members or professionals having knowledge of the applicant’s capabilities (demonstrated or potential). * A statement, not to exceed 2 pages, detailing the applicant’s educational and/or research goals that relate to the advancement of remote sensing or other related geospatial information technologies and the applications of these technologies for mapping, monitoring and/or assessing land (including coastal) resources and helping solve land resource planning or management issues. (Note: Dr. Colwell’s research focused mostly on developing and demonstrating practical uses of remote sensing.)Award Selection * The Selection Committee evaluates each applicant, applying equal weight to each of the five items listed above. The applicant who, in the opinion of the majority of the Committee, has the highest overall ranking is designated as the winner.
GeoEye Award
Purpose: * To support remote sensing education and stimulate the development of applications of high-resolution digital satellite imagery for applied research by undergraduate or graduate students.Eligibility: * Full time undergraduate or graduate students at an accredited college or university in the USA or Canada with image processing facilities appropriate for conducting the proposed work. * Student member of ASPRSAward: * A grant of data valued at up to $2,000, and a certificate inscribed with the recipient’s name and his/her institution. * This award is presented by the ASPRS Foundation, with funding provided by The GeoEye Foundation.ApplicationIn addition to the application form, two letters of recommendation, and official transcripts, applicants must submit a brief proposal (two pages or less) with the following information: * Title: The title must describe the proposed research. * Objective: Clearly state the purpose(s) of the research and the applications that it might address. * Description of research study area and data needs: Provide a brief description of physical features of the study area. Consider the area to be covered and the amount of digital satellite imagery needed for the study. Include information on the scene identification, coverage date (s), and quality rating. Note: Only GeoEye data from the archive can be acquired under this award. * Applications: Description of the possible applications that might result from this research and indicate possible users. * Analysis procedure(s): Provide a brief description of the analysis approach, indicating why digital satellite imagery is appropriate. * Anticipated results: State the specific results desired in performing this research with the use of the digital satellite imagery. * Budget: Itemize the budget for the grant, specifying GeoEye products (up to $2,000) needed for the research. Note: Only GeoEye products can be requested on your budget. Also identify other support for the research, e.g., computer facilities (provided by the college/university); fieldwork (grant no. “yy” from the ABC Foundation”); manuscript preparation (personal funds); etc. * List all courses, workshops, and other training/experience that demonstrate your capability to conduct proposed research. Obtain approval signature of student faculty adviser.Award Selection * The selection committee from the ASPRS GIS Division and GeoEye will evaluate each application and will apply equal weight to each element outlined above. * The applicant who, in the opinion of the majority of the committee, has the highest overall ranking will be designated the recipient.
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