
Physical Science Scholarships

Here are some of the Physical Science scholarships on our site for which you may qualify.

Rudi Stamm'ler Reactor Physics Division Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements The eligibility requirements are as follows: You must be at least an entering sophomore enrolled in a program leading to a degree in nuclear science, nuclear engineering or a nuclear related field. You must be an ANS student member (U.S. or non-U.S. citizen) attending a qualified university in the United States. For Undergraduate scholarships the completed application wi... th a grade transcript, and three confidential reference forms must be received by February 1. Note that one request and one application covers all of the Undergraduate scholarships. Remember to check the appropriate boxes on the application form.  more

RTK Scholars Program

Students who study environmental science, biology, engineering, or a related physical sciences major make up the majority of the college graduates who go on to become the foremost experts in environmental testing, both in the lab and the field, and developers of new technologies for the trade. Recognizing the industry’s need for dedicated individuals with a high-quality education, our Founder, Ro... bert Weitz, has committed to providing scholarship opportunities for those seeking careers in science and environmental inspection. The RTK Scholars Program provides up to a $1,000 scholarship to qualifying applicants. Award Type: Outside Scholarship Award Amount: $1,000, $500, and $250 Award Format: Essay writing competition to be judged by RTK founder Robert Weitz and a panel of environmental inspectors and experts Number of Awards: Up to 3 per school year Submission Deadline: May 15th and September 15th each calendar year Eligibility Requirements Must be enrolled in a participating accredited school, college, or university; Must maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 (Please attach a PDF copy of your unofficial transcript for verification); Must be a high school senior, or college freshman, sophomore, or junior; Must be majoring in or planning to major in Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Biology, or Engineering; Must be a U.S. Citizen or legal resident. Application Process & Submission Applicants should provide an original 500-word essay on why they study (or want to study) environmental sciences, and how they feel they will contribute to advancements in the field following graduation. Essays should be submitted to [email protected]. The subject line should read “RTK Scholarship Essay.” Please include your first and last name, email address, mailing address, phone number, year in school, and school that you will be/are attending*. Also please provide a transcript as proof of your 3.0 GPA. Essays will be submitted to our committee for evaluation by May 15th or September 15th of each calendar year for consideration. Winners will be notified by email.  more

AIST Ohio Valley Chapter Scholarship

Objectives Administered by the AIST Ohio Valley Member Chapter, available to students who are dependents of Ohio Valley Member Chapter members or to student members pursuing an education in engineering, metallurgy, physical science, computer technology or an engineering technology field.Awards – One or two US$1000 scholarships will be awarded. The scholarships are renewable for a total scholarshi... p of four years at $1,000 per year.Eligibility – The student must be the child (including step-children, adopted children or wards) of a member in good standing of the Ohio Valley Chapter of the AIST or a Student member in good standing. The student must be accepted into, planning to attend, or currently enrolled in an eligible, full-time curriculum at an accredited university or college. Degrees eligible for the AIST scholarship include: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering / Engineering Technology, Environmental Engineering / Sciences, Metallurgy, Physical Sciences, Computer Technology, Computer Programming, Information Systems Technology, Chemistry, Biology / Microbiology, Physics, Other Engineering-Related fields, or other related fields approved by the committee.  more

Astronaut Scholarship Foundation - Scholarship Program

* The Astronaut Scholarship Foundation was created to ensure that the United States would maintain its leadership in science and technology in the future by supporting promising students in science and engineering. * Scholarship candidates must be nominated by faculty members. Students may not apply directly for the scholarship. * Scholarship nominees must be U.S. citizens. * Scholarship nominees...  must be engineering or natural or applied science (e.g. astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, computer science) or mathematics students with intentions to pursue research or advance their field upon completion of their final degrees. Students intending to pursue a practice in professional medicine are not eligible for the scholarship. However, those intending to perform biomedical research are eligible. * At the time of nomination, scholarship candidates must be at least second year (sophomore) college students, have excellent grades, and have participated in lab and research work in their field. With this background, the student is fairly well committed to continuing on this course. * The Astronaut Scholarship is awarded only to students during their junior or senior year, or to Masters students. In some cases students may carry their awards to a second year. * Scholarship nominees are those students who have shown initiative, creativity, and excellence in their chosen field. Special consideration is not given to aeronautical/astronautical engineering students or those intending to pursue careers as astronauts. * Scholarship nominees and recipients must be attending one of the following cooperating educational institutions: o Georgia Institute of Technology o Harvey Mudd College o Miami University (Ohio) o North Carolina A&T State University o North Carolina State University o North Dakota State University o Pennsylvania State University o Purdue University o Syracuse University o Texas A&M University o Tufts University o University of Central Florida o University of Colorado o University of Kentucky o University of Michigan o University of Minnesota o University of Oklahoma o University of Washington o Washington University (St. Louis) * The scholarship candidates are nominated by faculty in their department to a university-wide committee. The university committee selects their best two candidates and submits these nominees to the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation Scholarship Committee. * The ASF Scholarship Committee selects one recipient from each school and presents the candidates to the ASF Board of Directors for approval. If both nominees from a school are deemed unqualified, the scholarship will not be awarded to the school.   more

The Robert Birr Scholarship Foundation, Inc.

Scholarship awards to students studying a technical field, including but not limited to electrical engineering, computer science or physics. Application form required. Deadline(s): May 5 Limited to residents of Ohio.

The Sono Osato Scholarship Fund for Graduate Studies

We will be offering a limited number of competitive scholarships based on academic merit and financial need for current and former dancers who have received the maximum amount from the Caroline H. Newhouse Scholarship Fund and are pursuing graduate degrees in fields other than performance dance. The Osato Scholarship will be limited to a one-time grant of up to $5,000 to any one individual, payin... g for tuition and fees only. It is anticipated that the endowment will generate funds sufficient to award a grant to a minimum of two applicants annually. Award checks will be made out to the institution. Awards will not be granted retroactively (e.g. not be used to reimburse dancers for tuition already paid, for loans or other credit debt.) To be eligible to apply for a Sono Osato Scholarship applicants must: Have received the maximum allowed amount from the Newhouse Scholarship Fund. Have achieved a minimum 3.5 GPA for an undergraduate or graduate degree, or recent pre-requisite coursework. Be studying or planning to study at the graduate level for a degree in one of the approved areas, such as professional degrees (law and medicine), the medical arts (nursing, physicians assistant, physical therapy, etc.), the helping professions (social work, counseling, psychology, creative arts therapies, etc.), physical and social sciences, education, business and the humanities. Previous recipients of a Gasparinetti Scholarship award are not eligible to apply for an Osato Scholarship.   more

Hubertus W.V. Willems Schp for Male Students

1. Applicant must be majoring in one of the following fields: a. Engineering b. Chemistry c. Physics d. Mathematical Sciences 2. Applicant must be a citizen of the United States and be applying to or accepted at an accredited college (excluding proprietary schools) in the United States. 3. NAACP membership and participation is highly desirable. 4. Undergraduate a... pplicant must be a full-time student. If a student drops below the required full-time status, the Scholarship Selection Committee will adjust the grant received to 50% of the award allocated for that semester. Graduate applicant may be a full or part-time student. 5. Applicant must possess a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 (C+) on a 4.0 system. 6. Graduating high school seniors and undergraduate students must possess a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 system, or a B average on a 4.0 system. 7. Applicant must demonstrate financial need as based on the following scale: 8. Members of the National NAACP Board of Directors, SCF Trustees, National Youth Work Committee, NAACP Scholarship Selection Commitee, employees and their spouses or families to the first degree of consanguinity, are not eligible to apply for or receive this scholarship.  more

Max J. Fowler Scholarship

This scholarship is designed to help people of all ages to complete a four year degree who are accepted and enrolled at NC State University in the College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences or Engineering. The applicant must be a resident of Gaston or Cleveland counties. Criteria for selection includes: community service, school performance, class ranking, interest in the arts and financial ... need.   more

SEG Foundation Scholarship Program

General requirements for eligibility: (1) A student must intend to pursue a college curriculum directed toward a career in Exploration Geophysics (2) A student must be one of the following: (a) Attending high school and planning to enter college next fall. (b) An undergraduate or graduate college student whose grades are above average. (3) A student's need of financia... l assistance will be considered. (4) Certain scholarships administered by the Foundation impose additional qualifications; whether an applicant meets these qualifications can be determined if the questionnaire on the inner pages of the folder is completed.  more

General Scholarships

1. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students in either a four-year college or a two-year technical program. 2. Applicants must be graduates of public or private high schools. Criteria: 1. Applicants must have a demonstrated or expressed interest in the plastics industry. 2. Applicants must be majoring in or taking courses that would be beneficial to a career in the ... plastics industry. This would include but is not limited to plastics engineering, polymer science, chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering and business administration. 3. An applicant must be in good academic standing with his or her college. 4. Financial need of applicant will be considered.  more

James C. & Elizabeth R. Conner Foundation

Scholarship awards to individuals who receive a Bachelors degree and desire to obtain a Masters degree or a Doctorate in the fields of engineering, physical science, medical science or business. Recipients must be U.S. citizens, unmarried, have no dependents, and their GPA during their entire undergraduate studies there would place them in the upper ten percent of their graduating class. Applicat... ions accepted only from students residing in the southwestern U.S. who are citizens and who are not married. Application form required. Initial approach: Letter or telephone   more

Heinz Environmental Fellows Program/Internship

Eligible Majors: Science, Biochemistry, Biology, Physics Eligible Schools: UNCF Member Colleges and Universities (please check the website for the complete list) Eligible Locations: Pennsylvania Scholarship Detail: This grant from the Heinz Family Foundation provides a scholarship and paid summer internship for students who are residents of Pennsylvania and are interested in environmental careers... . Donor/Sponsor Name: Heinz Family Foundation   more

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