
Naval Engineering Scholarships

Engineers create, design and build the things that make our lives easier and more manageable. When they are at the top of their game, the things they create may even make our lives better. As a college major the field of engineering is as varied as it is challenging. You'll find over 40 varieties of engineering offered at the university level. Hopefully you'll find just as much variety in the engineering scholarships listed below.

While engineering fields cover everything from farms to space there are a few things they have in common. They all rely heavily on math and science. If you're thinking of this as a major you'll need to be strong in both these subjects. In most programs your first two years will be spent on math and science courses along with considerable lab time. In your final two years you'll enroll in the bulk of your core engineering courses.
Examples of the most popular engineering fields include mechanical, civil, electrical and computer engineering. Some of the newer kids on the block include robotics and nanotechnology. Other varieties include software, nuclear, mining and architectural engineering.

The employment prospects for many of these fields are quite robust for the coming decade. In addition, engineers have some of the highest earning potential of college graduates at both the bachelor and graduate levels. But be prepared for a lot of difficult academic work. As an engineering major you're going to have to spend more time in the lab and at the books than your friends studying social work or English literature. Less than 40% of engineering students finish their bachelor degree studies in four years. Make sure that you can count patience and fortitude among the attributes you're bringing to the college experience.

You'll also want to explore your desired programs with extreme care. Make sure that this is the program for you. Ask lots of questions. Is the program more theoretical or practical? Is it didactic or hands-on? Is there a senior thesis or Capstone project as a degree requirement? If so, what sort of projects have students submitted in recent  years? You'll also want to be certain that the program in question is accredited by ABET, the leading engineering accreditation board.

If you want to continue your education after your bachelor's you'll have plenty of options. Graduate level engineering programs spend more time on the research end of things. But there's still plenty of scope for hands-on problem solving in emerging and exciting areas such as pharmaceutical, wireless or hydrosystem engineering.

Follow the links below to explore the world of engineering scholarships.

Betty Shanahan Scholarship

The SWE Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to women admitted to accredited baccalaureate or graduate programs, in preparation for careers in engineering, engineering technology and computer science. A one-time only graduate student scholarship to recognize SWE's Executive Director & CEO Betty Shanahan's outstanding accomplishment over 10 year's of service. SWE membership required. Amount: TBD A few main eligibility points: Only women are eligible. You must be planning to study an ABET-accredited program in engineering, technology, or computing in the upcoming academic year. You must be planning to attend full time (exceptions are made for reentry and non-traditional applicants). You must not be fully funded for tuition, fees, and books and equivalent.

Anne Maureen Whitney Barrow Memorial Scholarship

Awarded once per renewal cycle. 1 @ $7,000 Renewable 5 yr. max. Open to Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior students. All Engineering majors. A few main eligibility points: Only women are eligible. You must be planning to study an ABET-accredited program in engineering, technology, or computing in the upcoming academic year. You must be planning to attend full time (exceptions are made for reentry and non-traditional applicants). You must not be fully funded for tuition, fees, and books and equivalent.

Western Union Foundation Global Scholarship Program

The Western Union Foundation Global Scholarship Program (WU Scholars) is a program designed to support young people and their efforts to pursue a post-secondary education. Selected scholarship recipients will receive USD $2,500 each to contribute toward tuition or school fees at an accredited post-secondary institution and will be selected based on criteria relating to the program's three pillars: Perseverance, Aspiration, and Community. To be eligible, students must be seeking an undergraduate degree in one of the following categories: science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and business/entrepreneurship. The application, which requires a letter of recommendation and an academic transcript, opens Wednesday March 8th. The application deadline is Wednesday, April 12 at noon Eastern Standard Time. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Office of Naval Research Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

Citizenship: Participants selected for support under the ONR Postdoctoral Fellowship Program must be citizens of the United States. Security Clearance: Participants must be eligible for a Department of Defense security clearance of Secret. In most cases, participants will be permitted to do research pending completion of the security clearance. All appointments are contingent upon Fellows obtaining the appropriate level of security clearance. Education and Experience: Before appointment, participants must present evidence of having received the Ph.D., Sc.D., or other earned doctoral degree recognized in U.S. academic circles as equivalent to the Ph.D. within seven years of the date of application, or must present acceptable evidence of having completed all formal academic requirements for one of these degrees. Prior Fellowships: A person who has received a prior postdoctoral fellowship at a navy laboratory under any program may not be eligible to participate in the ONR Postdoctoral Program at the same laboratory. Equal Opportunity: In accordance with Federal statutes and regulations and Navy policies, no person on the grounds of race, color, age, sex, national origin or disability shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under, any program or activity receiving financial assistance from the U.S. Navy.

Edgar J. Boschult Memorial Scholarship

The fund was established by contributions from American Legion Commanders, Posts, and individual members. The income from this fund has been used to provide annual scholarships to students of the University of Nebraska enrolled in the Army, Air Force and Naval Science courses at the University. ROTC recipients must show qualities of leadership and aptitude for military or naval science, have satisfactory scholastic record and be deemed worthy of financial assistance. In 1972, provisions of the scholarship were amended to accept applications from honorably discharged veterans of the armed services. Veterans must be enrolled as full-time students at the University of Nebraska, and also have a satisfactory scholastic record and be deemed worthy of financial assistance. Re-application is allowed, including previous recipients and those enrolled in postgraduate study. Recipients of the scholarship are selected by the Executive Committee of the Nebraska American Legion.

Calvin College/The James Bosscher/SAE Engineering Scholarship

Student Eligibility: Scholarships are awarded to incoming freshmen enrolled in the engineering program and who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and potential. Terms: One $2,000 scholarship will be awarded. This scholarship is renewable for the sophomore year contingent on continued enrollment in engineering and satisfactory performance in the first year.

University of Detroit Mercy/College of Engineering & Science/SAE Engineering Scholarship

Student Eligibility: Applicant must be an incoming freshman or transfer student admitted directly into an engineering program at UDM. Selection will be based on academic and leadership achievement. Terms: Two $500 scholarships will be awarded each year. Scholarship may be renewed for one additional year if a 3.0 GPA is maintained and student remains in the engineering program.

Regeneron Science Talent Search

Regeneron STS is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science research competition for high school students. Started in 1942 as the Westinghouse Science Talent Search, Regeneron STS recognizes and empowers our nation’s most promising young scientists who are developing ideas that could solve society’s most urgent challenges. Each year, nearly 2,000 students enter the Regeneron STS, submitting original research in critically important scientific fields of study. Unique among high school competitions, the Regeneron STS focuses on identifying, inspiring, and engaging the nation’s most promising future leaders in STEM. Eligibility: High school seniors living in the United States, and US citizens living abroad, who have completed independent research projects are encouraged to apply online for the chance to win up to $250,000! Deadline: Apply today through November 8 Learn more & apply:

Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship

Purpose To provide an incentive to engineering undergraduate students enrolled in ABET accredited engineering programs to choose nondestructive testing and evaluation as their field of specialization. The Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship is a monetary award. Eligibility Undergraduate students enrolled in an engineering program of an ABET accredited university at the time the application is submitted for this scholarship. Each potential candidate for this award must show their anticipated graduation date to be later that the date the award funds are to be distributed. Each potential candidate must also show an active interest in the field of nondestructive testing and evaluation. Method of Selection The University Programs Committee selects up to three $3,000 scholarships each year, pending merit and number of submissions. Form of Award $3,000 in funding and Certificate in Walnut Frame Materials Submitted * Materials must now be submitted electronically. Completed application form – signed by the Administrative Officer (department head or chairman), or his/her designee, of the program in which candidate is enrolled. Outline of student’s program of study; Official school transcript showing all completed coursework; if educational institution will submit electronically then have them submit the transcript to ASNT using the webpage for submission of application; if educational institution does not submit transcripts electronically then mail transcript to ASNT HQ. Three letters of recommendation, signed by separate faculty members; and, Student’s original essay describing how he/she envisions the role of NDE/NDT in his/her studies and career. Award Timeline Announcements are made in the: August Issue of Materials Evaluation Application deadline: 15 December (ASNT office is closed Saturdays and Sundays) The University Programs Committee will provide its recommendation to the ASNT Board of Directors during ASNT’s Research Symposium Recipients will be notified following the Research Symposium Funds will be made available in: July Awards will be presented at ASNT’s Annual Conference Nomination Students applying for the Award must submit the following: Completed application form – signed by applicant & school official; DOWNLOAD: Engineering Undergraduate Application Form Outline of student’s program of study; Official school transcript showing all completed coursework; Three individual letters of recommendation, signed by three faculty members; and, Student’s original essay describing how he/she envisions the role of NDE/NDT in his/her career.

MillerCoors Engineering and Science Scholarship

Amount: $ 3,000 /Renewable Criteria •Junior or Senior university classification by the Fall Semester •Open to Biochemistry, Computer Science, *Electrical Engineering, and *Mechanical Engineering (*All engineering majors may apply but preference will be given to these engineering majors first) •Must be U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident •Must be of Hispanic descent •Must have a 3.0 GPA or above on a 4.0 scale •Maintain full-time enrollment status (12 hours) for the duration of the scholarship period •Provide two letters of recommendation highlighting leadership potential •Scholar must attend Adelante's Annual Leadership Institute in San Antonio, TX on Oct. 19-21 (Sponsorship to attend is included along with the scholarship) •Must attend a Partnering University

LedsMaster Scholarship

LedsMaster’s Essay scholarship provides opportunity for college students to think of the ways for saving energy. College students studying Engineering, Earth & Environment, or Science related discipline are welcome to join. Energy crisis is affecting us now. To promote sustainable development, using LED lights in different sectors help reduce power consumption and carbon dioxide emission. Apart from lighting, there are tons of innovative ways to relieve the burden of using fossil fuels.

Dakota Corps Scholarship

The Dakota Corps scholarships are four-year, full-tuition-and-fee scholarships for South Dakota high school seniors who plan to major in and then become employed in one of the following critical-need occupations: special education, math education, science education, career and technical education, accountant/auditor, nursing, engineering (except mining), and information technology. Students must have a composite ACT score of 24 or greater and have graduated from an accredited South Dakota high school with a GPA of 2.8 or greater on a 4.0 scale. In addition, recipients must agree to stay in South Dakota and work in their critical need occupation for as many years as the scholarship was received plus one year. Applications are available from your high school guidance counselor or at the website.

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