
Ministry Scholarships

Here are some of the Ministry scholarships on our site for which you may qualify.

Episcopal Asiamerica Ministry Commission Continuing Education Scholarships And Fellowships

Summary: To provide financial assistance to Asian Americans interested in seeking ordination and serving in a ministry involving Asians in the Episcopal Church. Eligibility: This program is open to Asian students pursuing theological education, including diocesan programs as well as seminary education. Applicants must be a member of an Asian constituency in the Episcopal Church and have begun the process of seeking ordination through a local Episcopal diocese. Scholarships are presented only for full-time study. Financial data: The maximum scholarship is $4,000 per semester for seminary study and $2,500 per semester for diocesan theological study programs. Duration: 1 semester; renewable. Additional information: This program was established in 1991 as part of the Episcopal Legacy Fund for Scholarships Honoring the Memory of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Applications must include an essay indicating an understanding of the life and ministry of Dr. King. Number awarded: Varies each year.

Episcopal Asiamerica Ministry Theological Education Scholarships For Asian And Pacific Island Americans

Summary: To provide financial assistance to Asian and Pacific Island Americans interested in seeking ordination and serving in a ministry involving Asians and Pacific Islanders in the Episcopal Church. Eligibility: This program is open to Asian and Pacific Island students pursuing theological education, including diocesan programs as well as seminary education. Applicants must be a member of an Asian or Pacific Island constituency in the Episcopal Church and have begun the process of seeking ordination through a local Episcopal diocese. Scholarships are presented only for full-time study. Financial data: The maximum scholarship is $4,000 per semester for seminary study or $2,500 per semester for diocesan theological study programs. Duration: 1 semester; renewable. Additional information: This program was established in 1983 with a grant from undesignated funds received through the Venture in Mission Project. Additional funding was received from the Diocese of Southern Virginia. Number awarded: Varies each year.

Evangelism for the 21st Century Grants

All Episcopal students, faculty administration, staff and their families at the accredited members of The Association of Theological Schools are eligible to apply for the Evangelism for the 21st Century grants. The Society offers annual grants of $500 to $5,000 for new projects that will strengthen the evangelical witness of the Episcopal Church. During the past year, the Society awarded 22 grants ranging from $1,200 to $5,000.

Degenring Scholarship Fund

Scholarship assistance is available to American Baptist Women who have been members of an American Baptist Church in New Jersey for at least five years. Award amounts vary, based on need and on the recipient

Dempster Graduate Fellowships

Criteria: . United Methodist Ph.D. students who plan to teach in seminaries, or to teach one of the theological disciplines (Bible, church history, theology, ethics, and the arts of ministry) in universities or colleges.

DHM Scholarships (Disciples Home Missions)

To be eligible for any of the scholarships listed below the applicant must: -be a member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ); -plan to prepare for the ordained ministry Christian Church (Disciples of Christ); -be a better than average student (at least a C+ average); -provide evidence of financial need; -be enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited school or seminary; -provide a transcript of academic work; -make a renewal application each year if eligible; -provide references from a regional minister, pastor, lay leaders and/or professors; -be under care of a regional Commission on the Ministry or in the process of coming under care; For your information: Applicants must apply or reapply each year to receive scholarships. There are no automatic renewals. Available scholarships and loans Disciple Chaplains

Diaconia Graduate Fellowships

Criteria: Diaconal Ministers and Ordained Deacons in the United Methodist Church who are in full connection and are full time students Commissioned Deacons. For more information, contact: General Board of Higher Education and Ministry - Division of Ordained Ministry - Section of Deacons and Diaconal Ministers (United Methodist Church).

Dissertation Fellowship

Criteria: * African American (U.S. Citizenship) * Ph.D. or Th.D. students only (D.Min students are ineligible) * Must have dissertation proposal approved prior to application and be able to write full time. *

Doctoral Study Grants

Criteria: American Baptist students who have completed at least one year of Ph.D. studies may apply for a one-time doctoral study grant of up to $3000. Students must plan to teach in a college or seminary, in a field of study directly related to preparing American Baptist ministerial leaders. Applicants must demonstrate academic achievement in the first year(s) of doctoral studies. D.Min. students are not eligible. National Ministries Ministries of Financial Aid and Continuing Education National Ministries administers an American Baptist Financial Aid Program that supports college students, seminarians, and ministerial leaders with grants and scholarships. Request application forms for the scholarships and grants listed below from the Financial Aid Office, National Ministries, American Baptist Churches USA, P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0851 (phone 1-800-ABC-3USA, ext. 2067; Fax 610-768-2453). Please specify which scholarship or grant you wish to apply for.

Dora Maclellan Brown Ministry Scholarship

The scholarships are available to Christian men and women: from the greater Chattanooga area who are theologically and biblically conservative, who are seeking a masteral degree

Dr. Ella Pearson Mitchell Scholarship Essay Contest

Those Preaching Women Ministries are committed to providing financial assistance to women preparing for a life of ministry through seminary education. They are pleased to announce the Dr. Ella Pearson Mitchell Scholarship essay contest. This scholarship is open to African American Women currently enrolled in a ATS Accredited Seminary in the United States. First place - $1,250; Second place - $750; Third place - $500. For scholarship information, visit their website at:

ECIM Scholarships

The purpose of the ECIM Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to Native Americans interested in theological education within the Episcopal Church in the United States of American (ECUSA). Eligibility Applicants must be seminarians of American Indian/Alaska Native descent attending an accredited Episcopal institution. They must submit documentation of tribal membership, diocesan endorsement with a statement signed by the bishop that the applicant is in track for ordination, and a signed statement that the applicant intends to serve Indian ministry upon completion of study. Financial data The amount of the award depends on the needs of the recipient and the availability of funds to a maximum of $2,000 per year. Additional information The Episcopal Council of Indian Ministries (ECIM) also awards the David Oakenhater Merit Fellowship to a middler with outstanding achievement and the Oakenhater Award of @2,500 to a seminarian pursuing a PhD. Number awarded Varies each year. Attn: Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society Episcopal Council of Indian Ministries 815 Second Ave. New York, NY 10017-4503 (212) 716-6175 (800) 334-7626

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