
Ministry Scholarships

The academic field of ministry or ministry studies is as wide and varied as the ministry scholarships that may help you fund your education. This line of study is related to the fields of theology or religious studies. It can represent everything from Bible study to the study of sacred music. Continue reading to find out more.

What separates this major from similar fields such as theology is that it often serves as the educational training for a career as a minister or religious leader. Some colleges offer it as a major, while in other schools it consists of more of an advising program for students planning to continue their religious studies at a divinity school or seminary.

Another major differences among college ministry programs is the denominational emphasis of the program. Some programs study a range of religions and have as their academic emphasis comparative religion. Other programs are affiliated with a particular religion and study only the tenets, rituals and history of that faith. The type of program you select will depend on your educational and vocational goals and expectations.

Common coursework for ministerial studies includes Western philosophy, ethics, world religions, homiletics, Bible studies and intercultural communication. Your courses will most likely consist of lectures and seminars in a traditional classroom environment. However, you'll also most likely engage in field work and internships. These experiences will allow you to gain first-hand perspectives about the kind of problems you'll face as a religious minister. 

These types of programs are relatively few in number. Generally, to pursue ministerial studies at a seminary or graduate school, it is not necessary to have a ministry bachelor's degree. With most programs, any bachelor degree from an accredited institution will be good enough. At the same time, this type of program can provide you with a broad range of experiences and allow you to glimpse the religious life of a minister.

Career prospects for religious leaders should be strong over the coming decade. Employment prospects should be most robust for students with a graduate degree. Also, those individuals willing to work in urban areas and traditionally under-served areas should face the best prospects.

Listed below are a host of ministry scholarships that may help you realize your goals.

The B. J. Dean Scholarship Fund

The B. J. Dean Scholarship Fund is for women preparing for full-time Christian ministry, but not limited to those seeking ordination or serving any particular denomination. Applicants must be residents of the State of Tennessee or the State of Texas. Applicants may also be students who are preparing to attend Yale Divinity School.

Magoichi & Shizuko Kato Memorial Scholarship

National JACL membership is a requirement to be considered for a JACL scholarship. Membership must be held by the applicant or applicant's parents only. Extended family ties do not apply for this requirement. Student memberships are available. For more information about membership categories, please contact the JACL Membership Department at National Headquarters. Applicants must also be planning to attend a college, university, trade school, business school or any institution of higher learning at the graduate school level in the upcoming fall. Preference for this award will be given to a student planning a career in medicine or ministry.

Barnes-Elrod Memorial Scholarship Fund

Scholarships for students attending Indiana Wesleyan University, as determined by IWU with preference given to Christian Ministries majors.

Ida V. Holland Missionary Scholarship

Course of study: christian education or ministry. Student must be a resident of Bexar County; be between the ages of 18-24 years old; and be studying missionary work (ministry or Christian education). Student must attend Moody School or one of equal standing. Submit request for application in writing to: First Presbyterian Church; Lindsay Blackmon; 404 N. Alamo; San Antonio, TX 78205. Determined by a selection committee. Please check the website for deadline of application.

Bishop Frank Murphy Scholarship Fund for Women

To women who are: * Members of the Women's Ordination Conference * Enrolled or accepted in a graduate program preparing for Catholic ministry (documentation required)

Dorothy and Dick Burgess Scholarship

The Dorothy and Dick Burgess Scholarship Fund was established to provide deserving young students, who might otherwise be unable to afford it, the opportunity to attend a smaller Michigan college* *A smaller public Michigan college is defined as a 2 or 4-year College or University whose annual yearly tuition costs do not exceed $17,000. These schools include (but are not limited to) Central Michigan University, Eastern Michigan University, Grand Valley State University, Jackson Community College, Michigan Technological University, or Western Michigan University. Schools that will not be considered include (but are not limited to) the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Hillsdale College, or Spring Arbor University. Eligibility Requirements: Proof of financial need. Cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above Demonstrate good citizenship, high moral character, and potential for leadership and academic success. Plan to pursue a course of study that leads to a degree in earth science, engineering, premedical, or Christian ministry. Proof of acceptance to a smaller, accredited Michigan 2 or 4-year college or university. Plan to complete a baccalaureate degree within four consecutive years. Who Can Apply: Home-schooled students Graduating high school senior Previous recipients Scholarship Criteria: An interview may be requested at the discretion of the scholarship committee. Scholarship Award: Up to $4,000. Scholarship Use: Tuition, books, fees, or other academic related costs

Christian Workers Scholarship

To recognize those working in areas of ministry, discounts are awarded to undergraduate dependents of full-time foreign missionaries up to $3,000 annually, full-time church pastors up to $1,000 per year, and other church and parachurch workers up to $500 yearly.

Schindler Financial Group Scholarship

For students with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater, interested in lifetime missionary service and demonstrate financial need.

The Jacob Levitan Preaching Fund

This fund has been established to provide financial assistance for preaching programs sponsored by the School, which includes both faculty stipends as well as scholarships for any students participating in such programs.

CBA Memorial Stipends

The Catholic Biblical Association will award twelve $4,000 stipends to students for each academic year, renewable for up to five years. The conditions for application are as follows: Applicants must hold a tuition scholarship in a program of scientific, graduate biblical studies. Preference will be shown to actual or prospective CBA members. Awards will be made on the basis of need as well as of achievement and promise in biblical studies. Applications do not carry over from year to year but may be resubmitted. Since these awards are renewable up to five years, the number of stipends available for a given year will vary; for information on availability and for application forms, write to the CBA Executive Secretary, The Catholic Biblical Association, 433 Caldwell Hall, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064. Preference will be shown to actual or prospective CBA members. Application forms for Memorial Stipends may be requested from: The Executive Secretary The Catholic Biblical Association Catholic University of America Washington, DC 20064

Dempster Graduate Fellowships

United Methodist Ph.D. students who plan to teach in seminaries, or to teach one of the theological disciplines (Bible, church history, theology, ethics, and the arts of ministry) in universities or colleges.

Katherine J. Schutze Memorial Scholarship

(For women seminary students) Eligibility: -be a member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ); -plan to prepare for the ordained ministry Christian Church (Disciples of Christ); -be a better than average student (at least a C+ average); -provide evidence of financial need; -be enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited school or seminary; -provide a transcript of academic work; -make a renewal application each year if eligible; -provide references from a regional minister, pastor, lay leaders and/or professors; -be under care of a regional Commission on the Ministry or in the process of coming under care; For your information: Applicants must apply or reapply each year to receive scholarships. There are no automatic renewals.

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