
Law Scholarships

Here are some of the Law scholarships on our site for which you may qualify.

Matthews & Branscomb/Law Scholarship

- U.S. citizens - Hispanic or African-American first-year law student - Enrolled at accredited Texas law school - Permanent resident of Texas - Interested in practicing law in San Antonio or Corpus Christi - LSAT scores in 80th percentile or higher

Hon. Beatrice Krupkin Scholarship

The Hon. Beatrice Krupkin Scholarship is awarded to a second or third year woman law student who best exemplifies academic success in law school combined with financial need and a keen interest in advancing the status of women in society through her eventual legal career. She must be a resident of the state of New York.

Penn Law Public Interest Fellowship

We assist recent graduates by funding a number of public interest fellowships. Each fellowship pays for one graduate to work for a year as an attorney at a sponsoring public interest organization. Our fellowships help recent graduates earn experience as practicing attorneys and build the foundations of a long career as a public interest lawyer. Penn Law Public Interest Fellowship (supporting public interest work anywhere). See website for more information on application process & deadlines.

Ruth Floyd Internship for Human Rights & Int'l Law

The Foundation offers this internship to a select student to perform work in issues related to human rights and international law. This is a unique opportunity to receive hands-on experience in the field of peace and security. Candidates from anywhere in the world are encouraged to apply, provided that they are students currently enrolled in an accredited college or university working in the fields of human rights of international law. The time commitment is 400 hours, or approximately ten weeks working full-time.

Oscar W. Rittenhouse Memorial Scholarship

To be eligible, an applicant must be a New Jersey resident accepted for admission to a law school. The applicant must have an interest in pursuing a career as a prosecutor. The applicant must also demonstrate financial need. Applications must be postmarked by June 15th of each year. Personal interviews of finalists will be conducted. Applicants will be notified of the Trustees' decision in August of each year. Applications should be sent to: Oscar W. Rittenhouse Memorial Scholarship c/o Prosecutor Theodore J. Romankow 32 Rahway Avenue Elizabeth, NJ 07202 -Contact Marlene Lynch Ford at (732) 929-2020 for more information. Sponsor: The County Prosecutors Association of New Jersey Foundation

Italian American Lawyers Association Scholarship

The scholarships will be awarded on academic achievement, potential contribution to the Italian-American Community with some consideration to financial need. The selection will be based upon the quality of the applicants received each year. All information received by the Association will be verified to the extent possible, i.e., with the law school registrar.

Justinian Society of Lawyers Scholarship

The Justinian Society of Lawyers provides annual scholarships to needy Italian-American law students attending area law schools. The criteria for scholarship are: 1. Italian ancestry 2. Scholarship 3. Need This organization is primarily concerned with providing awards to qualified applicants demonstrating need. Applicants must submit evidence of Italian ancestry and individuals who are awarded scholarships must give some assurance that they will complete their legal studies. The scholarship committee prefers, and strongly encourages electronic submission of application with all supporting material in one single .pdf to be sent to Anthony M. Farace at [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it before the filing deadline. The attachment should be named “20XX (Year) Justinian Scholarship Application – applicant’s last name.pdf"

Whimsical Farms/EGO Scholarship

School/Area Eligibility For Scholarship: * Elk Grove High * Laguna Creek High * Sheldon High * Monterey Trail High * Franklin High * Pleasant Grove High * Senior attending school within the Elk Grove City Limits and a resident of Elk GroveMinimum Required Grade Point Average: 2.5Financial Need: Preference GivenPost Secondary Type of School: 4 Year College or UniversityVocational College, Community CollegeSpecific Requirements for Applying: Pursuing career in Legal or Agriculture fieldAttendance Requirement: Full-Time StudentRequired Participation In School Activities: YesRequired Participation In Community Activities: YesAdditional Qualifications:Minority (ethnic) student preferred with the ability to overcome adversity and set goals. His/her post-secondary program should lead to a 2-year and/or 4-year degree or certification in the areas of horse husbandry, ranch management, or agriculture. Finalists may be interviewed by a representative of this scholarship's sponsor. (May accept applications who are not minorities if no minority student applies)Required Letters of Recommendation: Required 2

EMLF Scholarship Program

The EMLF Scholarship program is open to all students attending a law school which is a member of the Energy & Mineral Law Foundation. Awards are based on academic achievement and the student’s potential to contribute to the field of energy and natural resources law. A scholarship committee comprised of law professors and practitioners reviews the applications and then meets to determine the recipients and the allocation of the scholarship money. The scholarship program is announced in the spring of each year, and the scholarship recipients are announced at the EMLF Annual Institute.

Islamic Scholarship Fund

Program Description:ISF’s goal is to encourage Muslim students to pursue a college or post-graduate degrees in humanities, social sciences, liberal arts and law through awarding annual scholarships of $1000-$10,000 to deserving students.Eligibility:Scholarships are awarded to Muslim students who have been accepted to top- ranked four-year colleges and universities for undergraduate and post-graduate studies in the aforementioned areas of study. The applicant must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements: 1. Muslim 2. Citizen or permanent resident of U.S. 3. Minimum of 3.4 grade point average 4. College Junior standing or above 5. Active member of his or her communitySelection Process:All applications must be received no later than May 15th of each calendar year. Applications are reviewed within a 2-3 week period and scholarships will generally be awarded by July 30th of the calendar year. The selection criteria are based on: 1. Academic record (grades and achievement scores) 2. School activities (sports, clubs, etc.) 3. Extracurricular activities, especially in the Muslim community (volunteering, work, etc.) 4. Any extenuating and unusual circumstances related to the applicant 5. Other factors that may help in distinguishing and differentiating the applicant based on the information submitted 6. Personal interview

Andrew Keenan Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding Pre-Law Graduates

Eligibility for this scholarship shall be in accordance with the Andrew Keenan Memorial Scholarship for Outstanding Pre-law and Political Science Graduates Selection Standards.

Justice Studies Scholarship

Two scholarships will be awarded to a male and female Justice Studies junior, respectively, based upon GPA and extra-curricular activities.

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