Human Resources Scholarships
Here are some of the Human Resources scholarships on our site for which you may qualify.
Harry S. Truman Scholarships
The Foundation expects to award 75 to 80 Truman Scholarships on the basis of merit to junior-level students at four-year colleges and universities who: - Have extensive records of public and community service; - Are committed to careers in government or elsewhere in public service, and; - Have outstanding leadership potential and communication skills. In addition, up to three residents of Pue... rto Rico and the Islands with senior-level academic standing will be selected. Scholars are eligible to receive $3,000 for the senior year of undergraduate education and $27,000 for graduate studies. Scholars in master's degree programs planning to receive degrees in one or two years are eligible to receive $13,500 per year. Scholars in law programs are eligible to receive $13,500 at the start of the third year's second semester if they provide evidence that they will enter public service upon graduation or upon completion of any judicial clerkships after graduation. Scholars in graduate programs requiring three or more years of academic study are eligible to receive $9,000 per year for a maximum of three years. Scholars may attend graduate or professional schools in the United States or in foreign countries. One state scholarship will be available to a qualified resident nominee in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and, considered as a single entity, the Islands: Guam, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. (Residency is generally determined by home address for school registration, family's primary residence, and voter registration.) The Foundation will select up to 35 at-large Scholars. Each nominee must be: - A full-time junior-level student at a four-year institution pursuing a bachelor's degree during the upcoming academic year. Junior here means a student who plans to continue full-time undergraduate study and who expects to receive a baccalaureate degree or a student in his or third year of collegiate study who expects to graduate during the upcoming academic year, - Enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education, - Committed to a career in public service as defined above, - In the upper quarter of his or her class, and - A United States citizen or a United States national from American Samoa or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Resident aliens (green card holders) are not eligible. Selection Procedures: A committee examines all nominations and selects about 200 Finalists to be interviewed for Truman Scholarships. Finalists are selected on the basis of: - extent and quality of community service and government involvement; - leadership record; - academic performance and writing and analytical skills, and; - suitability of the nominees's proposed program of study for a career in public service. Priority is given to candidates proposing to enroll in graduate and professional programs specifically oriented to careers in public service. These include law programs and master's and doctorate programs in public administration, public policy analysis, public health, international relations, government, economics, social services delivery, education and human resource development, and conservation and environmental protection. more
Business Majors Scholarship
Eligibility Criteria:•Must be of Hispanic background•Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident residing in the United States or Puerto Rico•Must be studying at an accredited university in the U.S. or Puerto Rico for the upcoming academic year•Must be (or plan to be) enrolled full-time undergraduate or graduate student for the upcoming academic year•Must have earned and maintain a cumulative Gr... ade Point Average of no less than 3.0 on a 4.0 scale•Must demonstrate financial need•Must be studying a major that falls under the Business Majors more
HSF/GMAC SmartEdge Book Scholarship
Program Description:The Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) and GMAC Financial services have partnered to provide book scholarships to assist outstanding Latino students in their purchase of college textbooks. This scholarship is open to undergraduate students in selected geographic locations pursuing degrees in Business, Communication or Urban Planning.Eligibility Requirements: * Be of Hispanic ... heritage * Be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident with a permanent resident card or passport stamped I-551 (not expired) * Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale * Must major in either one of the following: Accounting, Advertising, Business Administration, Communications, Economics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Management, Marketing, Public Policy & Management, Public Relations, or Urban Studies/Planning * Have plans to enroll FULL-TIME in a degree seeking program at a four year U.S. accredited institution in the U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands or Guam. * Must apply for federal financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) more
HSF/VAMOS Scholarship
The HSF/VAMOS Scholarship Program is designed to assist high school seniors of Hispanic heritage from Cameron, Hidalgo, and Starr counties in Texas obtain a bachelor's degree. Selected students attending UT-Pan American may receive $3,000 per year. All others may receive up to $5,000 per year for four academic years.
Eligibility Requirements:
Be of Hispanic heritage Be a U.S. Citi... zen or legal permanent resident with a permanent resident card or passport stamped I-551 (not expired). Be a high school senior graduating from a high school in one of the following Texas counties:
Cameron Hidalgo Starr
Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale Must be a Pell grant-eligible student Have plans to enroll FULL-TIME as a Freshman in a degree-seeking program at a four year U.S. accredited institution in the U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands or Guam during the next academic year Must plan to apply for federal financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) more
HSF/Winchell's & Yum Yum Donuts Scholarship
Program Description:The Winchell's & Yum Yum Donuts Scholarship Program is available on a competitive basis to freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors in a 4-year college or university of Hispanic heritage from California. All students welcome to apply with preference given to business-related majors. Awards are in the amount of $3,000.Eligibility Requirements: * Be of Hispanic heritag... e. * Be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident with a permanent resident card or passport stamped I-551 (not expired) * Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. * Be a FULL-TIME student in a degree seeking program at a four year accredited U.S. institution in California. * Must currently reside or attend school in California with a preference given to students from one of the following locations: Greater Los Angeles, San Diego, Northern California. * Preference given to students attending Loyola Marymount University, University of San Diego. * All Majors allowed with preference given to students majoring in Business Administration, Accounting, Advertising, Economics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Hospitality Management, Management, Marketing or Public Relations. * Must apply for federal financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). more
Wells Fargo American Indian Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by Wells Fargo and administered by American Indian Graduate Center. To be considered for the Wells Fargo scholarship, an applicant must:
Be an enrolled member of a United States federally recognized American Indian tribe or Alaska Native group, as verified through submission of the AIGC Tribal Eligibility Certificate (TEC);
Be pursuing a career and degree in fields rel... ating to banking, resort management, gaming operations, management and administration, including accounting, finance, information technology and human resources;
Be a college junior or senior at a U.S. accredited college or university as full time and degree seeking student maintaining an average GPA of a 3.00 on a 4.00 scale at the time of application;
Demonstrate financial need through submission of the AIGC Financial Need Form (FNF). more
Harry S. Truman Scholarships
Purpose: The Harry S Truman Foundation Scholarship Program gives college juniors interested in public service careers the opportunity to refine career goals and plan graduate studies by encouraging applicants to reflect on social issues and needs that they want to address. Programs Funded: Foundation Scholarships award up to $30,000 for graduate studies in the U.S. or abroad in public administrat... ion, public policy analysis, law, public health, international relations, government, economics, social services delivery, education, human resource development, conservation, environmental protection, and other relevant fields. Truman Scholars also participate in substantial summer leadership development programs in Washington, D.C.. Eligibility: Candidates are nominated by their colleges/universities. Nominees must be U.S citizens or nationals who are juniors in the upper quarter of the class, and who are committed to a career in public service. This may include employment in government at any level, uniformed services, public-interest organizations, nongovernmental research and/or educational organizations, public and private schools, and public service-oriented nonprofit organizations such as those whose primary purposes are to help needy or disadvantaged persons or to protect the environment. All majors are eligible. Selection Criteria: Screening focuses on the extent and quality of community service and government involvement, demonstrated commitment to careers in public service, academic performance, writing and analytical skills, leadership abilities, and the suitability of the nominee's proposed program of study for a career in public service. Application/Nomination Process: On-campus deadlines are normally in November. Interested students should begin work on their application well in advance, as the application requires several essays, including close analysis of a public policy issue. Pomona may nominate a limited number of students. One Scholar or more is selected from each state, and up to 30 additional Scholars are selected at large. more
Lockheed Martin/UNCF Scholarship
Eligible Majors: Business, Finance, Accounting, Computer Science, Human Resources, Supply Chain Management, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Systems Engineering Eligible Schools: UNCF Member Colleges and Universities (please check the website for the complete list) Eligible Locations: Open Scholarship Detail: Lockheed Martin is an indus... trial corporation leader which specializes in the areas of Aeronautics, Electronic Systems Information Technology & Global Services, Integrated Systems & Solutions and Space Systems. Lockheed Martin and UNCF have partnered to create this opportunity for candidates to apply for a $2,000 Scholarship. In addition, applicants will be considered for internship opportunities. This scholarship is also available to Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering majors. Apply Online Donor/Sponsor Name: Lockheed Martin Corporation Donor/Sponsor URL: Please check the website for the availability of this scholarship. more
Business Majors Scholarships
Eligibility Criteria:•Must be of Hispanic background•Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident residing in the United States or Puerto Rico•Must be studying at an accredited university in the U.S. or Puerto Rico for the upcoming academic year•Must be (or plan to be) enrolled full-time undergraduate or graduate student for the upcoming academic year•Must have earned and maintain a cumulative Gr... ade Point Average of no less than 3.0 on a 4.0 scale•Must demonstrate financial need•Must be studying a major that falls under the Business Majors Application more
Pfizer/UNCF Corporate Scholars Program
Scholarship Value: Up to $15,000Classifications: Undergraduate Sophomore, Undergraduate Junior, 1st Year Graduate Student, 1st Year Law StudentMinimum GPA: 3.0Eligible Majors: Business, Finance, Chemistry, Microbiology, Human Resources, Law, Pre-Vet, Animal Science, Supply Chain Management, Organizational DevelopmentEligible Schools: UNCF Member Colleges and Universities, Selected HBCUs and major... ity institutionsEligible Locations: Open, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, MichiganScholarship Detail:UNCF and Pfizer have partnered to provide rising college juniors, seniors, graduate students and 1st year law school students with an opportunity to gain invaluable internship experience. Interns, with the exception of 1st year law school students, earn a scholarship up to $15,000 while 1st year law students earn a premium internship pay. Selected students participate in an 8-10 week summer internship at Pfizer corporate facilities and are eligible to receive scholarship funding. Students will work with a best-in-class pharmaceutical company in a range of key business and research areas. Applicants must complete an online application, have TWO faculty members complete online letters of recommendation and, upon request, submit a current transcript. Law applicants must submit an unedited writing sample online in addition to an essay. Mail transcripts to Pfizer/UNCF Corporate Scholars Program, 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, Fairfax, VA 22031.Donor/Sponsor Name: Pfizer Inc.(Please check the website for the availability of this scholarship.) more
Thurmond Woodard/Dell/UNCF Corporate Scholars Program
Scholarship Value: up to $10,000Classifications: Undergraduate Sophomore, Undergraduate Junior, Undergraduate Senior, Graduate Student, MBA StudentMinimum GPA: 3.0Eligible Majors: Business, Finance, Marketing, Computer Science/MIS, Human Resources, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Business Sales , Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engi... neering, Management Information SystemsEligible Schools: UNCF Member Colleges and Universities, Selected HBCUs and majority institutionsEligible Locations: OpenScholarship Detail:The Thurmond Woodard/Dell/United Negro College Fund Corporate Scholars Program was established in association with UNCF to increase student interest in technology and Dell, while expanding the company's pool of prospective diverse employees. The Program focus this year is on MBA candidates. There are limited opportunities for sophomores and juniors majoring in majors listed in eligibility criteria above. Candidates must be enrolled in degree granting programs at four year institutions. As part of the award, scholars will receive: Up to a $10,000 scholarship, Paid summer internship, Housing accommodations in a Dell US location and round trip transportation to and from the designated location. Apply OnlineDonor/Sponsor Name: Dell(Please check the website for the availability of this scholarship.) more
UNCF/UPS Scholarship Program
Scholarship Value: $5,000.00Classifications: Undergraduate Sophomore, Undergraduate Junior, Undergraduate SeniorMinimum GPA: 3.0Eligible Majors: Finance, Marketing, Computer Science, Human Resources, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical EngineeringEligible Schools: UNCF Member Colleges and UniversitiesEligible Locations: OpenScholarship Detail:The UNC... F/UPS Scholarship Program will provide scholarships for students attending UNCF's member institutions. The awards will be "last dollar" scholarships of up to $5,000 based upon unmet financial need. Scholarship recipients must be a sophomore, junior or senior enrolled in a UNCF institution majoring in finance, marketing, computer science, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, information technology or human resources.Apply OnlineDonor/Sponsor Name: The UPS Foundation(Please check the website for the availability of this scholarship.) more
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