Architecture Scholarships
As an architect major you'll learn how to create and design houses, buildings and other structures. This artistic and dynamic field requires creativity, acute visual awareness and critical thinking and communication skills. It's a competitive field but also one that offers many rewards. In the following paragraphs we'll look at how to become an architect as well as how to pursue the architecture scholarships that may help you realize your dreams.
Most architecture degree programs are designed so that students take mostly liberal arts and science courses at the start of the program. Architects do not design in a vacuum and they need to understand (and be somewhat sympathetic to) the society and culture in which they work. Coursework in art and architecture history, the social sciences and the physical sciences are also commonly encountered in the first two years.
As you begin your core architecture coursework you'll enroll in subjects such as architectural theory and design, engineering mechanics, computer-aided design (CAD), environmental controls, structural design and site design. As one can see, the design courses are the most important component of your core courses. You'll be spending many, many hours in the design studio working (alone or in groups) on your projects.
The majority of architecture undergraduate degree programs are 5-year programs. In addition, you will need to satisfy an internship requirement before you sit for the architecture licensing exam. The length of this required internship varies from state to state with the average length being three years. Be certain that the program you want to attend is accredited by an official educational body, such as the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB).
The employment prospects for architects are expected to be quite strong over the coming decade. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the need for architects will increase at a faster then average rate between now and 2020. This increase need will be fueled, in part, by an ever-expanding population. Also, sustainable design and the green movement will contribute to the rising demand. The popularity of sustainability and ecological consciousness may also be reflected in the available architecture scholarships. If you are focusing on one of these areas currently in vogue you may find you have access to a wider range of architecture scholarships.
Follow the links below to learn more about the range of architecture scholarships.
Selected Professions Fellowships are awarded to women in the final year of graduate study in designated fields where women's participation has been low. Women in engineering master's programs are eligible to apply for either first or final year of study. Applicants must be U.S. Citizens or permanent residents. Special consideration is given to applicants who show professional promise in innova
... tive or neglected areas of research and/or practice in areas of public interest. All women are eligible to apply for fellowships in the following degree programs: architecture (M. Arch.), computer/information sciences (MS), engineering (ME, MS, PhD), mathematics/statistics (MS). more In general, all applicants for the Rome Prize fellowships must be citizens of the United States at the time of application. (Permanent Residents or individuals who have been residents in the U.S. for at least three years at time of application may apply for the post-doctoral fellowships in the School of Classical Studies. Please read carefully the specific eligibility requirements provided belo
... w.) Undergraduate students are not eligible to apply. Graduate students may apply for predoctoral awards in the School of Classical Studies if they meet the other criteria provided below. Winners of the Rome Prize may hold other fellowships concurrently, as long as the requirements of such fellowships do not conflict with the Academy's fellowship rules. Applicants are required to disclose all fellowships and awards they may hold during their proposed residency in Rome. The Academy may make adjustments to the stipend awarded if substantial additional resources are made available. Rome Prize winners may not hold full-time jobs while at the Academy. more Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree or its equivalent in the field of application. Applicants must also have been working in the field for at least seven years and currently be practicing in the field. Applicants must be U.S. citizens at the time of application.
Applicants for the fellowship must be either: - In the second-to-last year of a bachelor or master of architecture program and planning to travel outside the United States or - Accepted in a professional degree program and planning foreign travel that will have a direct relationship to educational goals. One annual award of $2,500 is given. Applicants are evaluated on a statement of pu
... rpose, relevance of the travel plans to education goals, strong academic performance, and letters of recommendation. The winner is announced in April. more The program assists students in one of the final two years of a professional degree program in architecture and is administered in conjunction with schools accredited by the NAAB or recognized by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada. Students must be in one of the following: - The third or fourth year of a five-year program resulting in a bachelor of architecture or equivalent degre
... e - The fourth or fifth year of a six-year program (4+2 or other combination) that results in a master of architecture or equivalent degree - The second or third year of a three-to-four year program that results in a master of architecture and whose undergraduate degree is in a discipline other than architecture. more Purpose: For travel and study to be conducted between July 1 of the award year and the following June 30. Preference will be given to projects of at least a half-year's duration. The award is to be used for travel and study in Greece (the modern state), Cyprus, the Aegean Islands, Sicily, southern Italy (that is, the Italian provinces of Campania, Molise, Apulia, Basilicata, and Calabria), Asia M
... inor (Turkey) or Mesopotamia (that is, the territory between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, that is modern Iraq and parts of northern Syria and eastern Turkey). Although the proposal may require travel outside these areas, the majority of travel proposed must be within them. The award is not intended to support field excavation projects. AIA fellowship funds may not be used for institutional overhead, institutional administrative recovery costs, or institutional indirect costs.
Requirements: Applicant must be a United States citizen. To be eligible, applicants must be members of the AIA at the time of application and until the end of the fellowship term. Preference will be given to individuals engaged in dissertation research or to those who received their Ph.D. within five years of the application deadline. Recipients may not hold other major fellowships during the requested tenure of the Olivia James award. Please note that all application materials (including references and transcripts) must be received at the AIA by the November 1 deadline.
At the conclusion of the fellowship tenure, the recipient is required to submit a report on the use of the stipend to the Chair of the AIA Fellowships Committee. After the tenure of their fellowship, recipient is expected to submit an abstract to the Program Committee within two years, in order be considered for participation in the AIA Annual Meeting. more One fellowship is awarded annually for 36 months. This fellowship is intended for the advancement and completion of a doctoral dissertation in Western art and to enable a candidate to reside abroad for two years to develop expertise in a specific city, locality, or region related to the dissertation. The third year is to be spent in residence at the Center to complete the dissertation.
The Chicago Roofing Contractors Association will award at least one $3,000 renewable scholarship to a high school senior who will enter college in September each year in the following programs – liberal arts and sciences, engineering, architecture or business. The scholarship recipient will be selected on the basis of academic performance, faculty recommendation, extracurricular activities, emplo
... yment experience, and a demonstrated interest in a productive career. more Under this program, annual college scholarships totaling up to $2,000 per applicant will be awarded to Alaska residents currently enrolled in an accredited school of Architecture. Eligible student(s) must be permanent residents of the State of Alaska, and have completed six or more semesters in a program leading to a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture or be enrolled in a Master's Degree in Archite
... cture prior to May 30th of the year of application. The scholarships will be awarded based on overall ability, desire, determination and potential for successfully completing their architectural education and entering into architecture as a profession.
Submittals will be evaluated by a committee made up of a minimum of three (3) AIA Alaska chapter members. Award will be based on:
Potential for completing program and entering the profession of architecture.
Desire and determination
Overall ability
Financial need more The Western Union Foundation Global Scholarship Program (WU Scholars) is a program designed to support young people and their efforts to pursue a post-secondary education.
Selected scholarship recipients will receive USD $2,500 each to contribute toward tuition or school fees at an accredited post-secondary institution and will be selected based on criteria relating to the program's three pillar
... s: Perseverance, Aspiration, and Community.
To be eligible, students must be seeking an undergraduate degree in one of the following categories: science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and business/entrepreneurship.
The application, which requires a letter of recommendation and an academic transcript, opens Wednesday March 8th. The application deadline is Wednesday, April 12 at noon Eastern Standard Time.
Please contact with any questions. more QUALIFICATIONS
In the granting of scholarships, preference shall be given to residents of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Applicants should reside or have resided in the northeast region of Pennsylvania and be a citizen of the United States.
Grants are made without distinction as to race, color, creed, or sex. The applicant need not be a graduate student, nor formally trained in any academic or profe
... ssional program. The applicant must show that the scholarship will aid them in their development into professional artists. The granting of the award and the amount awarded is a matter of discretion of the Grant Selection Committee.
Applicant must furnish the Selection Committee with proof of exceptional ability in his or her chosen field and give evidence that this chosen field is intended to be his or her life's work. This ability must be demonstrated through a selection process which is initiated by completing an official application form. The application form must be supported by letters of recommendation from recognized artists, experts or judges in the pertinent field. Additionally, the application requires a detailed proposal for the use of the grant including a projected budget.
The recipient may use the award only to finance an individual program or proposal which has had prior approval by the Selection Committee and the Board of Trustees of The Waverly Community House, Inc. The grant, awarded annually, is in the sum of up to $12,000. The proceeds of this grant represent taxable income in accordance with the Internal Revenue Service Code Section I 17, as amended. The grantor will file the necessary reports with the IRS concerning the award. The recipient is required to make two progress reports to the Administrative Chairperson. These reports are then presented to the Board of Trustees of The Waverly Community House. Failure to comply with these reports may result in the termination of the grant. There is no requirement that the award be made if in the judgment of the Selection Committee there is no qualified candidate.
Completed applications and proposals must be in the office of the Waverly Community House, Inc. on or before December 15th of each year. If the 15th falls on a Saturday or Sunday the applications must be postmarked on or before the 15th. All applicants will be informed within 90 days as to whether or not they have qualified as finalists. All finalists must appear in person before the Selection Committee for a final presentation of their work and for an interview. Each finalist will be notified of their status within one week of the presentations as to whether or not they have qualified as finalists. All finalists must appear in person before the Selection Committee. On or before November 1st, a progress report, including photographs and/or other suitable documentation of the work in progress, must be submitted to the Administrative Chairperson. On or before May 1st, a more complete and detailed report must be submitted to the Administrative Chairperson. more 1. Open to citizens of U.S. and Canada. 2. Study toward a degree in naval architecture, marine engineering, ocean engineering or marine industry related fields at one fo the following schools: * Florida Atlantic University * Maine Maritime Academy * Massachusetts Institute of Technology * Memorial Univerity of Newfoundland * Texas A&M University, College Station * University of Bri
... tish Columbia * University of California, Berkeley * University of Michigan * University of New Orleans * State University of New York Maritime College * Virginia Polytechnic Institute * Webb Institute 3. Must be entering junior or senior year. Membership in the Society at the time of the award. 4. Requests are made directly with schools listed above. 5. Schools present their nominations in biographical form for each applicant and include statement from student indicating their career goals and why interested in the marine field. 6. Selection of recipients is made by the colleges in accordance with their established procedures. 5. Nominations are presented to the Society's Scholarships Committee annually by May 1st for approval by the in June. moreCreating an account only takes minutes and puts all available Architecture Scholarships that match your profile in front of you immediately from our extensive database of scholarship awards.
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