
Agriculture Production Scholarships

Here are some of the Agriculture Production scholarships on our site for which you may qualify.

CHS High School Scholarship

Graduating high school seniors pursuing a degree in an agricultural-related field at any college or university throughout the United States and Canada are invited to apply for one of 100 $1,000 scholarships. Student eligibility • Must be a high school senior, graduating in the spring and attending college in fall 2015. • Must plan to pursue an agricultural degree at a college or university within the United States or Canada. • Students pursuing a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) field of study with an interest in agriculture will be considered. • Must be a legal citizen or permanent resident of the United States or Canada. Application information and timeline • Click here to apply for a 2015/2016 scholarship. • Applications for the 2015/2016 academic year will be available from January 1, 2015 to April 1, 2015. • All applications must be submitted by April 1, 2015. • Scholarship awards will be announced mid-May, 2015.

Gail and Allan Fujimoto Scholarship

 Student must be pursuing a career in agriculture, environmental sustainability or majors within the College of Tropical Agriculture  Attending a University of Hawai`i system institution  Letter of recommendation from faculty or staff or a community person that can attest to your dedication and commitment to agricultural sustainability in Hawai`i  Essay demonstrating your desire and commitment to utilize their skills and expertise to develop agriculture and sustainability in the state of Hawai`i General criteria: • Must be a classified undergraduate student • Enrolled in a degree-seeking program, unless specifically noted • Enrolled in a two- or four-year, accredited* college institution in Hawai`i or the continental U.S. • Full-time status, unless specifically noted • Demonstrate interest in Hawaiian language, culture, history • Demonstrate a commitment to contribute to the greater community. *See website for accrediting bodies that are recognized by the Foundation.

UnitedAg Scholarship Program

SCHOLARSHIP Requirements 1. Applicants must be affiliated with UnitedAg, either as a child/grandchild of a member or an employee of a member. If you are UABT affiliated, you must be a participant of the UnitedAg Health Plan. 2. Must be presently enrolled anytime during the current scholastic year at an accredited college or university. 3. A minimum 2.5 GPA is required to be eligible for a scholarship (school transcripts are required). 4. Three letters of recommendation: one from a teacher, one from an employer and one from a volunteer organization (If you do not work or volunteer, substitute 2 teacher letters). 5. A two-page essay is required: typewritten and double-spaced with a one-page bibliography. The topic for the essay can be found in the “Scholarship Checklist” section. 6. A one-page typed resume of all work, educational, community and extra curricular activities. 7. Complete Application Checklist and include all documentation with your submission postmarked to UnitedAg. Incomplete or incorrectly completed applications will not be considered. 8. A current photo of yourself, 4x6 or larger in print or digital format (JPEG).

CCGGA Scholarship

Who can apply? High School Seniors and currently enrolled college students who are children of CCGGA Nursery Members. High School Seniors and currently enrolled college students pursuing an education in Horticulture or Agriculture related fields. *Graduate students are not applicable. What do I need to submit? CCGGA Scholarship Application TRANSCRIPT COPY COVERING YOUR MOST RECENT YEAR OF EDUCATION (Unofficial transcripts are acceptable but there must be a school reference or website link in footer.) TWO OR MORE LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION (From school faculty or member/teacher and/or another adult in the community) NO MORE THAN 250 WORD PERSONAL STORY ESSAY EXPRESSING YOUR EDUCATIONAL GOALS, FUTURE PLANS, AND INTERESTS. (Format requirements – 12pt basic font, double spaced) What is the personal story essay? We want to you know about you and why you deserve this scholarship. In 250 words or less, please describe what your financial need is, involvement in community, extra-curricular activities, leadership roles, work experience, what you plan to major in and what your future goals and plans are.

National Potato Council Scholarship Program

Each year, NPC awards a $10,000 academic scholarship to one graduate-level student conducting research for the benefit of the potato industry. The winner is selected based on a number of criteria, including academic achievement, leadership abilities, potato-related areas of graduate study, benefit to the U.S. potato industry/commercial value, extracurricular activities, and grades.

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